Suhana Khan is really pleased with her brother Aryan Khan's first commercial that he directed. Aryan debuted as a filmmaker earlier that day when he unveiled his first commercial, which starred Shah Rukh Khan, his father. Aryan not only directed the advertisement but also appeared in it. Before leaving her remarks on the post, Suhana uploaded the advertisement on her Instagram Stories to give it a shoutout.
Incredibleeee, said Suhana. A succession of fire emojis were also used by Karan Johar to promote the aspiring filmmaker. The father-son combination of the Bollywoood received affection from fans who crowded the comments section at the same time.
“WOOOOWWW!! This is fantastic!Aryan Khan directed Shah Rukh Khan.Many congrats to the whole crew, a supporter said. “That way of acting, flinging the brush about, is precisely like his dad. Another person chimed in, “At least this teaser demonstrates that another Shah Rukh Khan will dominate the cinema industry. “Aryan ought to work in theater. He inherited Shah Rukh Khan's DNA, that appearance, and the SWQG. Just take a look at him; he will soon be a celebrity in Bollywood. @iamsrk urge him to become an actor in Bollywood. Direction to Bad Me Bhi Ho Jaaega, suggested a third enthusiast.
Aryan is moving away from being in front of the camera and toward being behind it after completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Cinematic Arts, Film and Television Production at the University of Southern California. The son of a famous Bollywood actor aspires to become a director. The advertisement shows off some of his work, but he said last year that he is now working on directing his first television series.
Suhana is acting in the meanwhile, following in Shah Rukh's footsteps. With The Archies, she's anticipated to make her acting debut this year. The project is under Zoya Akhtar's direction.