On social media, Kartik Aaryan often posts pictures of his beloved dog, Katori. The Shehzada actor shared a sweet photo of his pet pal on Tuesday. The actor playfully captioned the picture, “Katori ka naya chammach!” It looks like they were having fun together when they took the picture. Kartik Aaryan is shown in the post taking a photo with his pet dog as Katori is seen contentedly nibbling his thumb. The actor wears a black and white T-shirt with a hat, and he looks cool. Fans flocked to the comments section as soon as the picture was posted to offer their support for the couple.
One person commented: “Cutest chammach,” while another added: “Happiness ki tokri, Kartik ki katori. nahi rok sakte karne se yaari, hai hi itni zyada pyaari. There was one additional remark that said, “2 cuties in one frame.”
Katori is featured in a huge number of pictures and videos on Kartik Aaryan's Instagram account. The star had previously uploaded a sweet video of himself with his pet. He can be seen in the video making adorable expressions and posing with his dog. Even Katori participates by putting his tongue out and grinning broadly in front of the camera. “Poser siblings,” Kartik captioned the video. Kriti Sanon, a co-star of Kartik in the film Shehzada, commented on the photo, “Uff just like Disco! The two must meet. Kriti's beloved dog is named Disco. Others wrote, “Katori is confused whether it's a photo or a video,” or something to that effect.
In 2021, Kartik Aaryan revealed to his fans the name of his pet dog. Why he gave his pet the Hindi name Katori—which means bowl—piqued the interest of many of his followers. He previously said, “She is Katroi Aaryan because, jab woh gharpe aayi thi she looked like a bowl,” in an interview with Times Now. Katori si and Itni choti si jaise hi dimaag mai tha. We gave her the name Katori Aaryan since she had a bowl-like haircut when she first arrived home, therefore the reason for the name. She was so little, all I could think of was the term katori. So we gave her the name Katori, and she has a katori-style haircut.
In terms of his professional life, Kartik Aaryan most recently appeared with Kriti Sanon in Shehzada. He previously appeared with Alaya F in the psychological suspense film Freddy. He will appear alongside Kiara Advani in Satyaprem Ki Katha.